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Thread: Name That Eagles Tune

  1. #1
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    Cruising down the center of a two-way street in VA

    Default Name That Eagles Tune

    We've locked the old thread for this game, so I’m going to repost the rules of the game in this new thread. As a reminder, the way this works is that one person will post a line or two of lyrics from an Eagles song, and then the next person names the song the lyrics are from, and then posts more lyrics from either the same song or another song for the next person to answer. Please stick with songs that appear on an Eagles recording or recorded by a band member as a solo artist. You can use as much or as little of the line as you wish, but be sure that you include enough so that the next person can guess the song without having to do a web search. Also, please avoid using obscure, ordinary, or unrecognizable lyrics that could appear in lots of other song (examples: he’s been, you a thing, or come and gone). If a clue remains unanswered for more than 24 hours, another member can skip it and post another clue to keep the game moving. Now, if you do want assistance, you can use the EOC ‘Search’ feature since every Eagles song ever recorded is in the EaglesOnlineCentral Lyrics Index. There is also a similar lyrics index for all of the solo songs on each of the individual member sites.

    Here's an example of how it works:

    1st poster:

    runnin' down the road tryin' to loosen my load

    2nd poster:

    Take It Easy


    So you keep on singing for the sake of the song

    And so on... So let's start anew!


    To search all of the EOC sites for a particular phrase, follow these steps:

    1. Highlight and copy the phrase to be searched.
    2. Go to EaglesOnlineCentral.
    3. Click the 'Search This Site' link.
    4. Paste the phrase into the 'Search' field.
    5. Type quotation marks before and after the phrase.
    6. Click 'Find' and wait for the results to appear.


    So now, I'll post some lyrics to start off the new thread ...

    build a new world together,
    workin' hand in hand

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  2. #2
    Border Troubadour groupie2686's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    New York

    Default Re: Name That Eagles Tune

    Soul Searchin'


    you came along and you changed my life

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border KingWalsh's Avatar
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    Sep 2019

    Default Re: Name That Eagles Tune

    True Love


    ​break a few rules, make a few plans

  4. #4
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Down some endless road just south of nowhere (Missouri)

    Default Re: Name That Eagles Tune



    the whole wide world's gone crazy
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
    1948-2016 Gone but not forgotten

  5. #5
    Border Troubadour groupie2686's Avatar
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    New York

    Default Re: Name That Eagles Tune

    Do Something


    another summer's promise almost gone

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border KingWalsh's Avatar
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    Sep 2019

    Default Re: Name That Eagles Tune

    Waiting in the Weeds


    Got those shiny little chains around your heart

  7. #7
    Border Rebel MarthaJo56's Avatar
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    May 2018
    No longer in Southern California.We're now in Northen New York, the St. Lawrence Valley. :)

    Default Re: Name That Eagles Tune

    Those Shoes

    Just find a place to make your stand

  8. #8
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Down some endless road just south of nowhere (Missouri)

    Default Re: Name That Eagles Tune

    Take It Easy (my all time favorite!)


    these times are so uncertain
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
    1948-2016 Gone but not forgotten

  9. #9
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Cruising down the center of a two-way street in VA

    Default Re: Name That Eagles Tune

    The Heart of the Matter


    until we find the bridge across forever

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  10. #10
    Border Troubadour groupie2686's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    New York

    Default Re: Name That Eagles Tune

    Part of Me, Part of You


    I'm not a modern man

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