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Thread: Merch help me out

  1. #1
    Out on the Border
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Default Merch help me out

    Hi , will anyone be willing to buy merch for me? Unfortunately, I can't afford the tickets for the shows, but I really want to buy several shirts I see for sale. Of course I will pay for the shirts and shipping. If someone can help, I would really appreciate it! I see someone online selling merchandise from the venue, but they are charging double ... please let me know if anyone will be willing to do it for me. Thank you fans!! Eagles forever !!!

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: Merch help me out

    Quote Originally Posted by edwardd.19 View Post
    Hi , will anyone be willing to buy merch for me? Unfortunately, I can't afford the tickets for the shows, but I really want to buy several shirts I see for sale. Of course I will pay for the shirts and shipping. If someone can help, I would really appreciate it! I see someone online selling merchandise from the venue, but they are charging double ... please let me know if anyone will be willing to do it for me. Thank you fans!! Eagles forever !!!
    Sorry edwardd, but I don't know of anyone who wants to go to these shows and if they do they don't post here anymore. You might try one of the Eagles Fan Facebook Groups, or maybe someone will chime in here but I wouldn't get your hopes up.

    It's really a crock of crap that Don and Co don't put them out on their website. Heck, charge what you want for them but at least offer them in a way that doesn't require seeing this "lineup". But these are also the guys feeding us crumbs of 4K footage on YouTube, but won't let us buy Capital Center, Hell Freezes Over, and Farewell 1 on 4K Bluray or digital download. It's just plain weird. I keep hoping they'll see the light of day.

    I have seen some of the shirts and they are quite cool, I think the remade Troubadour Bar looks very nice, and the VIP section for the Sphere shows looks like something I would enjoy, just not the actual show which is the whole reason for going or at least paying those prices. I would, however, pay to see like a Eagles shrine somewhere else they could set up and sell merch and have the bar recreated, etc. The Stones have done that before where they have places set up that "tour" and you can see cool photos, take selfies at a photo booth, buy merch, and buy drinks, etc. The guys should strongly consider doing that at some point if they aren't going to sell this merch online. Even with my Don beef, I would still pay the Eagles my money to be able to go to one of those type of things where you aren't paying for a show, have to see said show, and you can pay a small entry fee and see the stuff and buy their wares. If I was filthy rich with money to burn I would go to Vegas, head to the Spehere, go to the VIP Third Encore section, buy the stuff I want, and then leave and not see the show and instead bet my leftover money over at the Wynn hotel on the slots. lol Maybe I'd get lucky and recoup my costs. Or if I didn't - no big deal. Oh the thought is nice but will never ever happen!

    Oh, and I hate people who buy that stuff you can only get in person just for profit online. I know it's legal and hey it's making them money so woohoo, but I despise the practice and the people doing it.

  3. #3
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Merch help me out

    So well said WalshFan that I can't think of anything to add other than I don't personally want and/or need any more Eagles merch. LOL

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

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